welcome email for first time user
I am not sure if this function exist. If not would it be hard to implement? I want to send a welcome email to first time user. I don't think this exist. If someone can give instructions on implementing that would be great.
I am not using regular django_open_auth module. I am using different authentication system. I have a table to keep track of these users and they only generate a row when they login for the first time. I wonder if I can use that to generate a welcome email.
If what you mean is the email you receive right after registration, then that is implemented. If that's not what you are looking for, could you clarify what you mean by "welcome email"?
I don't use default authentication, I use my own authentication since I don't use open_auth no email comes to the user. I use a SAML2 type authenticaton system where I have a table to keep track of who logs in... that table create a record of the user when they first time login...