Why do I get an IOError when attempting to add users? [closed]

We set up 2 askbot forums, one locally, and one on an Amazon EC2 instance. On the Amazon EC2 askbot, I get this error any time I attempt to create a user:

IOError at /account/signup/

On the local one, we were originally able to make users, but when that server was shut down and moved, we lost that capability and now get the above error.

Why are we getting this? Is there something simple that I am missing?

I can tack on the longer traceback if that would be helpful...

muselesscreator's avatar
asked 2014-03-05 08:25:56 -0500
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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by muselesscreator
close date 2014-03-18 12:54:25


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1 Answer


A closer look at the traceback showed that the email settings are not configured at all for either system... though why did it originally work on the local system...?

muselesscreator's avatar
answered 2014-03-05 08:30:36 -0500
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