Why language code changed by itself?

Someday I found that I cann't voteup for somebody. Although the upvote sign turned green, but his karma doesn't go up.

In settings.py, I have

LANGUAGES = (('zh-TW', 'Chinese'),)

And I found that in the database, the repute table's language code changed by it self to lowercase after some day.

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Does anyone know how to fix this?
Why it set the language_code to 'zh-tw' for my language_code is 'zh-TW'?

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AaronHuang's avatar
asked 8 years ago, updated 8 years ago


@AaronHuang what was the solution?

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (8 years ago)

First, I set `LANGUAGE_CODE = 'zh-tw'` and `LANGUAGES = (('zh-tw', 'Chinese'),)` in `settings.py`. And then, I change the existing `zh-TW` language code in the database table (`repute`, `askbot_post`, `askbot_thread`) to `zh-tw`. It seems to solve the problem.

AaronHuang's avatar AaronHuang (8 years ago)
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1 Answer


This is a strange thing.

But According to Django:

zh_TW is a Locale Name: The language part is always in lower case and the country part in upper case. The separator is an underscore.

zh-tw is a Language Codes: It is generally represented in lower case, but the HTTP Accept-Language header is case-insensitive. The separator is a dash.

It is better to user those codes with all lower case (eg. zh-tw)

more info is available at Official Django Documentation.

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gopalraha's avatar
answered 8 years ago


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