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If you had any custom files inside askbot/skins/default/templates, move them to askbot/templates. If there were any custom files inside askbot/skins/default/media, move them to askbot/media.

If you had other custom skins along with default in the same directory, put them outside of askbot tree.

The test you are mentioning at this time is checking the askbot/skins directory and reporting error if it has any subdirectories. With this change we wanted to make it easier for the developers to find the templates and the media files.

As a side-note: we are not done yet with changing the way skins work, I think we will in the near future switch to the django's default template resolution methods. When we do this, there probably will be another startup self-test which will tell you what to do.

If you had any custom files inside askbot/skins/default/templates, move them to askbot/templates. If there were any custom files inside askbot/skins/default/media, move them to askbot/media.

If you had other custom skins along with default in the same directory, put them outside of askbot tree.

The test you are mentioning at this time is checking the askbot/skins directory and reporting error if it has any subdirectories. With this change we wanted to make it easier for the developers to find the templates and the media files.

As a side-note: we are not done yet with changing the way skins work, I think we will in the near future switch to the django's default template resolution methods. When we do this, there probably will be another startup self-test which will tell you what to do.methods.