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customizable askbot installation

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I am running unbuntu 12.04

I have an inherited a project based on askbot - but don't know how to get it running locally on django to test it. In short - I would like to install askbot in a virtualenv instance. I have read many (web) pages with suggestions and have tried installing several times with a variety of errors. Is there no step-by-step guide for those who are not python/open source gurus?

If there isn't a step by step - at least a general order - something like: create virtualenv instance activate virtualenv instance install django install postgresql (django) startproject clone askbot-devel code cd into askbot directory and python develop ????

ldp205's avatar
asked 2013-05-26 13:34:54 -0500
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I missed your mention of Ubuntu, my apologies.

kporangehat's avatar kporangehat (2013-05-29 18:01:29 -0500) edit
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1 Answer


At the risk of asking the obvious... have you seen the installation docs? True, they don't cover everything in great detail but they're evolving. Always check the docs before following anything here. This is only intended to help fill in some detail and they will probably be updated more frequently and thus, these steps may be out of date by the time someone reads this.

These may not be the absolute best docs and I make no guarantees they are the most secure or efficient but generally, this is how I got myself up and running on RHEL 6 with Postgres 9.2, Askbot 0.7.48. I'm doing this from memory so it may be missing a detail or two. Hopefully it will help you and maybe others.

Speaking of others, if anyone has things to add or fix, comments are of course welcome!

  • Install Postgres (this will vary depending on what platform you're on and whether you want to install from source or use a package manager). Using a package manager is much easier (not sure if the devel package is needed but I always install it). I wanted to use Postgres 9.2 which wasn't available by default in my repo list, so I added the PGDG repo.
  • Install the Postgres packages
    sudo yum install postgresql92-server.x86_64 postgresql92-devel.x86_64.
    • If yum complains that there's no match, do a sudo yum search postgres to see what is available. There may be a packages with the version in the name like postgresql92-server.x86_64. Or if there's an existing Postgres package that is a version you're happy with, you can skip the steps for installing the RPM.
  • Initialize Postgres
    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 initdb
  • Start Postgres
    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 start
  • Create an admin user so you can administer the database
    sudo su
    su postgres
    psql postgres
  • You're now in the postgres console (I'll indicate that with a # at the beginning of the line but don't type that). Create your user for administrating the site and change the password for the default postgres user for security.
    # CREATE USER yourusername WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'yoursecretpassword';
    # ALTER ROLE postgres PASSWORD 'SomeSecretSuperPassword';
    # \q

  • Edit the Postgres host authentication file which will allow you to connect from the localhost
    sudo vi /var/lib/pgsql/9.2/data/pg_hba.conf
    edit the line that starts with local at the bottom to the following:
    local all all md5

  • Restart Postgres
    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 restart
  • Add the Postgres binaries to your path
    sudo su
    echo 'PATH=/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin:$PATH' >> /etc/profile.d/ && chmod 0755 /etc/profile.d/
  • You may need to source this file now in ...
kporangehat's avatar
answered 2013-05-29 17:56:21 -0500
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