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Comments not working on my site

I have two sites hosted by and The second one was set up very recently as a discussion forum for my Summer calculus 3 class. For some reason, I am unable to leave comments on that new site, though I have always been able to do so on the first site and still can. I've fiddled with all the settings and manually increased my Karma but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?

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Mark McClure's avatar
Mark McClure
asked 10 years ago


I'm talking about comments like this one - questions and answers work fine.

Mark McClure's avatar Mark McClure (10 years ago)
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2 Answers


The site admin (the site creator is an admin) should always be able to comment. Are you not able to comment from the account with ID=1?

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Evgeny's avatar
answered 10 years ago


That is correct.

Mark McClure's avatar Mark McClure (10 years ago)

The comment box is there - I fill it out and hit the "add comment" button but the comment never appears.

Mark McClure's avatar Mark McClure (10 years ago)

Sorry about that. It's getting late here, will look tomorrow morning.

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (10 years ago)

Thank you very much!

Mark McClure's avatar Mark McClure (10 years ago)

@Evgeny - I figured out this problem or, at least, how to trigger the problem. See my detailed answer and feel free to delete the site referenced therein.

Mark McClure's avatar Mark McClure (10 years ago)
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I've figured out what is causing this problem, at least from the user's perspective. The problem seems to be triggered by modifying the "Enable email alerts" option, which is available under

Settings -> Login, Users & Communication -> Email and email alert settings

The default is True - just turn it off and see what happens. In fact, I just created a site specifically to test this out, namely, I started it, asked one question, left one comment, then turned off "Enable email alerts". After that, I was no longer able to leave comments.

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Mark McClure's avatar
Mark McClure
answered 10 years ago


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