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Askbot user registration goes fine but login with registered user and password fails

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Askbot user registration goes fine but login with registered user and password fails with no specific error... none of the users are able to login, I have considered postgres DB and i can view the registered users in DB but login fails...

sundeeppj's avatar
asked 2017-04-25 23:14:55 -0600
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1 Answer


This is not full info Please provide me apache or ngnix log files to troubleshoot your issues..

gopalraha's avatar
answered 2017-05-07 12:01:50 -0600, updated 2017-05-07 12:02:41 -0600
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This issue is now resolved. Some how the database seems to be corrupted and after cleaning the users we are able to create new users and are able to proceed. thank you.

sundeeppj's avatar sundeeppj (2017-05-09 03:08:26 -0600) edit

Well the problem has been resolved Happy to know..

gopalraha's avatar gopalraha (2017-05-09 10:59:07 -0600) edit
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