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Commenting feature request

I personally love commenting as a way to extend and enhance a Q/A conversation.. which is different than answering a Q of course.. please consider a robust commenting function which includes multiple comments in each Q/A thread and email alerts if the user comments on someone else's thread.. Thanks

Evgeny's avatar
updated 2011-01-23 02:34:30 -0600
Hexhead's avatar
asked 2010-04-23 09:55:46 -0600
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hey, could you try editing my answer? I hope it works - made it CW.
Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2010-04-23 11:51:49 -0600) edit
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3 Answers


I've just lowered the barrier for commenting to 1 (used to be 50) and edit wiki posts to 30 points.

Why don't we use this post to formulate requirements for the commenting tool? Currently user with less points than the commenting barrier can comment only own posts and answers to own questions. Comments are very simple - no internal formatting, you can only add and delete them (depending on reputation).

Feature requests:

  • email and on-screen alerts to relevant users
answered 2010-04-23 11:50:43 -0600
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >100 is welcome to improve it.
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I don't think I have enough points yet to improve the wiki so I guess I'll post this here for now.

Feature request: - up/down vote on comments

locomo's avatar
answered 2011-02-26 20:55:45 -0600
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I'm new to askbot, received 1 Point for signing up, but I'm still unable to comment (or too blind to find it ;)) Can anybody help me?

edit: Right after posting this comments, I saw the commenting feature under my own post - so I will try and checkout, if I'm able to comment other peoples questions as well

Olaf's avatar
updated 2011-05-16 02:27:39 -0600, answered 2011-05-16 02:25:53 -0600
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So far it seems as if I'm only able to comment on my own posts...
Olaf's avatar Olaf (2011-05-16 02:28:44 -0600) edit
Only in the beginning, default minimum rep to comment anywhere is 50, but it can be changed in the settings.
Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2011-05-16 02:50:16 -0600) edit
Thanks Evgeny - We're planning to use askbot as "core" for
Olaf's avatar Olaf (2011-05-16 03:03:21 -0600) edit
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