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Can an admin mark question as answered?

We have a lot of new users who are not familiar with askbot and are not marking the questions as answered is there a way for an admin to mark a question as answered.

Evgeny's avatar
updated 2011-02-18 15:10:30 -0600
mwise's avatar
asked 2011-02-17 22:31:06 -0600
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any idea where in the code I should start looking to enable this feature.. basically I need to change the js to allow the icon to be shown when the admin is looking at a question
mwise's avatar mwise (2011-02-18 22:55:01 -0600) edit
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2 Answers


have these changes been made also to the Askbot latest release

viisik's avatar
answered 2011-02-20 13:40:09 -0600
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Not yet, need to write test cases, the changes in my quick answers are just hacks that may be unreliable and have side effects.
Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2011-02-20 13:58:13 -0600) edit
What is the status on this now?
mether's avatar mether (2011-07-10 02:21:26 -0600) edit
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Hello, to get it done quickly - please change these two things:

(1) - function askbot.models.user_assert_can_unaccept_best_answer in the file askbot/models/ - this assertion is used for both accepting and unaccepting the best answer.

(2) - show icon "accept answer" to admins - around line 207 in askbot/skins/default/templates/question.html by changing it from

{% if request.user == %}
       <img id="answer-img-accept-{{ }} ...


{% if request.user == or request.user.is_administrator() %}
       <img id="answer-img-accept-{{ }} ...

Properly it would require adding a couple of settings to the configuration and updating test cases and fix the rep awarding.

Edit: one more thing -

change file askbot/skins/default/media/js/post.js around line 288

var bindEvents = function(){
        // accept answers
        if(true){//edit on this line: was questionAuthorId == currentUserId){
            var acceptedButtons = 'div.'+ voteContainerId +' img[id^='+ imgIdPrefixAccept +']';
Evgeny's avatar
updated 2011-02-19 19:42:07 -0600, answered 2011-02-19 03:13:07 -0600
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that's a partial fix... the icon shows up and I made the edit to but when I click on the accept icon nothing happens.. is there something I'm missing..
mwise's avatar mwise (2011-02-19 18:50:19 -0600) edit
You are right, added another small change, seems to work then.
Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2011-02-19 19:43:20 -0600) edit
thanks everything is now working :)
mwise's avatar mwise (2011-02-19 20:14:20 -0600) edit
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