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askbot-setup and startforum

There are two commands askbot-setup and startforum, i have use both the commands but both are not working.

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anonymous user
asked 13 years ago


You are right, I get error pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: django-celery==2.2.3 - is that what you see? Or something else?

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (13 years ago)

This error went away after I ran "python install_scripts" and the script works for me. This error occurred on in my development directory where I did not update the deployment script for a while.

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (13 years ago)
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1 Answer


I think there are two possibilites: your "askbot-setup" script is out of date, in which case the problem can be fixed by command python install_scripts.

Second possibility is that the scripts are not on your system path.

One easy way to make sure that python package scripts are on your system path is to use virtual environment to install askbot into.

Then, after you type path/to/env/bin/activate, the script will be on your path.

startforum is not expected to work any more, please remove it.

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Evgeny's avatar
updated 13 years ago, answered 13 years ago


python install_scripts works

Gaurav's avatar Gaurav (13 years ago)
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