Askbot Integration with a Java web application - how?

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Hi, Can Askbot site be integrated into a Java web application seamlessly? Example: I want to see Q&A site when user click on Q&A menu item from top menu.

Can you please give me a brief idea about how can I do this?

Thank you in advance.

Regards, Krish

asked 2012-03-10 19:46:19 -0500
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2 Answers


Krish, it does not really matter in what language other application is written, what matters is perhaps a single sign-on system and maybe a way to share the user profile data.

Now there are no possibility like this in askbot, but it can be built.

On the log in side we can build an api login and your application would have to set askbot's cookie. That is your application would have to make an api call and obtain the login data from askbot.

In askbot there will need to be some way to associate your application user id with the askbot user id. It's not that much really.

updated 2012-03-10 19:51:36 -0500
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Thanks Evgeny for quick response.

Any plans of building the API in near future?

Does the Using alternative login system section from below link would be of any help? http://askbot.org/doc/askbot-as-reusable-django-application.html#adding-askbot-to-pre-existing-site

I am a Java Developer so don't know much about Python. Can both applications (my java web app and askbot) be deployed on same server (ex: Tomcat or JBoss) by installing Askbot on Jython (python on Java VM)?

Thank you.

answered 2012-03-10 20:14:01 -0500
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Here is some info https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/jython/ I have never done this though. Regarding the API for the login - yes we might do it soon.

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2012-03-10 20:28:44 -0500) edit

sure. Thanks. Does the Askbot community have any development plans for the API?

krish's avatar krish (2012-03-10 20:35:53 -0500) edit
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