How to use Django default template loader for admin app?

I'm trying to integrate django-filebrowser into my project. It comes with a set of app templates which it depends on for displaying the file browser. After integration, my file browser looks the templates have not been applied. I figured that askbot's Jinja loader may have something to do with this, but I can't find out where the interception occurs.

Is it possible to revert to Django's default loader for non-askbot apps (e.g. admin app and django-filebrowser)? Which file can I look for to make the change.

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theactiveactor's avatar
asked 12 years ago


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1 Answer


If you put askbot's template loader the last in the TEMPLATE_LOADERS list in your settings.py your other django apps using standard templates should just work...

For example in my case standard django admin app works fine.

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Evgeny's avatar
answered 12 years ago


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