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Sign in page is stuck in infinite redirect loop after OpenID sign out

On my Askbot site, if I sign in with an OpenID provider, then sign out, then go to sign in page again, the page will be stuck in an infinite redirect loop.

Looking at Chrome's network tab, it looks like the site is trying to reach Facebook's OpenAuth, even though the Facebook module in Askbot is not enabled.

Signing out of Facebook solves the problem, but then if I log in on Facebook, and then go to my Askbot's sign in page again, the problem will still be there.

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siovene's avatar
asked 12 years ago, updated 12 years ago


Same issue. That works, but doesn't help if you are trying to use FB auth. I can authenticate once, but after that - login page always goes into redirect loop.

It doesn't matter what URL I put into FB's App 'Site URL'...


ryrobes's avatar ryrobes (12 years ago)
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1 Answer


The problem was solved by removing the Facebook app key and secret, even though I had disabled Facebook as a login provider.

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siovene's avatar
answered 12 years ago


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