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Expand syntax highlighting support to allow named language?

Askbot includes support for syntax highlighting using google-code-prettify (GCP), but doesn't offer an option to specify a particular language.

As a result, this bash code formats nicely:

echo "Foo bar"

But this BASIC code has some problems:

Sub FooBar
  Dim CountInteger As Integer  'For counting a thing
  Dim OtherInteger As Integer
  CountInteger = Blah / 2
  REM Do some stuff here 
  OtherInteger = 5
End Sub

There is already a mechanism within GCP to specify a language:

"You can specify a language by specifying the
language extension along with the prettyprint
class like so:

<pre class="prettyprint lang-html">

Here's the markdown-ish syntax GitHub uses to indicate language-specific syntax-highlighting:

ask = "bot"
puts "#{ask}: loopbackoffice"

This sounds like a relatively straight-forward improvement.

Expand syntax highlighting support to allow named language?

Askbot includes support for syntax highlighting using google-code-prettify (GCP), but doesn't offer an option to specify a particular language.

As a result, this bash code formats nicely:

echo "Foo bar"

But this BASIC code has some problems:

Sub FooBar
  Dim CountInteger As Integer  'For counting a thing
  Dim OtherInteger As Integer
  CountInteger = Blah / 2
  REM Do some stuff here 
  OtherInteger = 5
End Sub

There is already a mechanism within GCP to specify a language:

"You can specify a language by specifying the
language extension along with the prettyprint
class like so:

<pre class="prettyprint lang-html">

Here's the markdown-ish syntax GitHub uses to indicate language-specific syntax-highlighting:

ask = "bot"
puts "#{ask}: loopbackoffice"

This sounds like a relatively straight-forward improvement.