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Confused between OSQA and Askbot

I'm confused which Q&A system should I use? Askbot or OSQA. Both look good to me. Both have the same features. Is there any feature which is there is OSQA and not in Askbot? Let me know.

Also which one is easy to install on a hostgator server (with baby plan), which one is being more contributed by developers? Which one is more SEO friendly?

Confused between OSQA and Askbot

I'm confused which Q&A system should I use? Askbot or OSQA. Both look good to me. Both have the same features. Is there any feature which is there is OSQA and not in Askbot? Let me know.

Also which one is easy to install on a hostgator server (with baby plan), which one is being more contributed by developers? Which one is more SEO friendly?developers?