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Should added comments bump question to the top of the recently active list?

What do you think, should "last updated" time record be updated when a new comment is added to question or answer?

If that field is updated, then most recently commented questions (or questions whose answers were rencently commented) will appear on the top in the default question listing. Is this a good thing?

Should added comments bump question to the top of the recently active list?

What do you think, should "last updated" time record be updated when a new comment is added to question or answer?

If that field is updated, then most recently commented questions (or questions whose answers were rencently commented) will appear on the top in the default question listing. Is this a good thing?

Should added changes in comments bump move question to the top of the recently active list?

What do you think, should "last updated" time record be updated when a new comment is added to question or answer?

If that field is updated, then most recently commented questions (or questions whose answers were rencently commented) will appear on the top in the default question listing. Is this a good thing?

Should changes in comments move pop question to the on top of the recently active list?

What do you think, should "last updated" time record be updated when a new comment is added to question or answer?

If that field is updated, then most recently commented questions (or questions whose answers were rencently commented) will appear on the top in the default question listing. Is this a good thing?

Should changes in comments pop question on top of the recently active list?trigger changes in last updated time?

What do you think, should "last updated" time record be updated when a new comment is added to question or answer?

If that field is updated, then most recently commented questions (or questions whose answers were rencently commented) will appear on the top in the default question listing. Is this a good thing?

Should changes in comments trigger changes in last updated time?

What do you think, should "last updated" time record be updated when a new comment is added to question or answer?

If that field is updated, then most recently commented questions (or questions whose answers were rencently commented) will appear on the top in the default question listing. Is this a good thing?

Should changes in comments trigger changes in last updated time?

What do you think, should "last updated" time record be updated when a new comment is added to question or answer?

If that field is updated, then most recently commented questions will appear on the top in the default question listing. Is this a good thing?