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Auto link urls please

I noticed that this has been mentioned on Ask Sage, and I have found that users of my site do not understand Mardkown. Mostly, this does not matter, but they do need to link to things, and the result is lots of plain text URLs (lots is relative given that the site is new and low traffic). Auto linking would be really useful.

There are some existing solutions (I found this and this so you might not have to do it from scratch.

Auto link urls please

I noticed that this has been mentioned on Ask Sage, and I have found that users of my site do not understand Mardkown. Mostly, this does not matter, but they do need to link to things, and the result is lots of plain text URLs (lots is relative given that the site is new and low traffic). Auto linking would be really useful.

There are some existing solutions (I found this and this so you might not have to do it from scratch.

Auto link urls please

I noticed that this has been mentioned on Ask Sage, and I have found that users of my site do not understand Mardkown. Mostly, this does not matter, but they do need to link to things, and the result is lots of plain text URLs (lots is relative given that the site is new and low traffic). Auto linking would be really useful.

There are some existing solutions (I found thisexisting and thissolutions so you might not have to do it from scratch.