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startforum: where to deploy?

After two days of hell I managed to install Python 2.6 on CentOS, along with all the Askbot dependencies (I think).

I cloned the github repo into /var/www/html/askantimoon (askantimoon is my git project name). Most of the Askbot files are now in /var/www/html/askantimoon/askbot. Is it a good idea to put my repo in a directory which contains Web-accessible files?

I ran python2.6 develop and created the MySQL database. Now it seems I have to run another setup script called startforum (why? I already ran

When I run startforum, it asks me "where to deploy (in which directory?)". What does that mean? I thought Askbot was already in /var/www/site/askantimoon. And what is a good directory to choose here?