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footer links to social networking sites and link to tags

In stackexchange, every question has a footer

"Know someone who can answer? Share a link to this question via email, twitter, facebook, or linkedin"

Of course, since askbot has support for more including Google Plus now, encouraging users to share questions and answers is important for anyone using askbot. Typically successful sites have large majority of traffic (70 to 80%) that come from search engines and one of the sure shot way of increasing popularity is encouraging people to link to your site. So in addition to the facebook, twitter sharing links on the site of the questions, this is helpful

If you are just browsing a site. this footer is instead

"Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged foo or ask your own question."

This is useful in encouraging a tag based search which often yields better answers

footer links to social networking sites and link to tags

In stackexchange, every question has a footer

"Know someone who can answer? Share a link to this question via email, twitter, facebook, or linkedin"

Of course, since askbot has support for more including Google Plus now, encouraging users to share questions and answers is important for anyone using askbot. Typically successful sites have large majority of traffic (70 to 80%) that come from search engines and one of the sure shot way of increasing popularity is encouraging people to link to your site. So in addition to the facebook, twitter sharing links on the site of the questions, this is helpful

If you are just browsing a site. this footer is instead

"Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged foo or ask your own question."

This is useful in encouraging a tag based search which often yields better answers