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First line of the questions overlaps with the editor because of the related questions

We are trying Askbot for our community. We haven't changed many things, almost nothing. When we try to post a question, first line of this question overlaps with the editor because of the related questions (suggestions). I see that this does not occur for this site. So, is this related with our configuration? If not, what could be the problem?

Here is a sample screenshot: collapse

As you guess and see in the preview, there is a first line collapsing with the editor.

First line of the questions overlaps with the editor because of the related questions

We are trying Askbot for our community. We haven't changed many things, almost nothing. When we try to post a question, first line of this question overlaps with the editor because of the related questions (suggestions). I see that this does not occur for this site. So, is this related with our configuration? If not, what could be the problem?

Here is a sample screenshot: collapse

As you guess and see in the preview, there is a first line collapsing with the editor.