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qubit's profile - activity

2020-09-30 07:08:50 -0600 received badge Popular Question (source)
2020-09-30 07:08:50 -0600 received badge Notable Question (source)
2016-06-13 06:12:44 -0600 received badge Notable Question (source)
2015-06-19 16:22:37 -0600 received badge Famous Question (source)
2015-04-25 05:11:29 -0600 received badge Taxonomist
2014-10-09 09:11:56 -0600 received badge Famous Question (source)
2014-05-18 13:13:23 -0600 received badge Popular Question (source)
2013-12-08 13:32:58 -0600 commented question RFE: When marking as duplicate, let users specify the duplicate question
2013-08-10 13:35:26 -0600 received badge Famous Question (source)
2013-04-08 23:06:36 -0600 received badge Famous Question (source)
2013-03-25 23:18:48 -0600 asked a question Is there a way to make comments affect the 'Activity' of a question?

It would be nice to have a configuration option so that comments would affect the 'Activity' status of a question in a similar fashion to the posting of a new answer.

The simplest implementation of this feature could just treat a new comment like a new answer, however having a separate list in which the activity of comments was taken into consideration for sort-order could be equally useful.

2013-03-25 23:04:34 -0600 commented answer Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a comment

@pajju -- Are you still working on this feature?

2013-03-25 23:04:34 -0600 received badge Commentator
2013-03-25 22:54:02 -0600 commented question Were are the wiki and the bug tracker?

These urls currently give me a 'server not found' error. Is the Askbot installation now taking the place of the wiki and the bugtracker?

2013-03-22 00:00:38 -0600 received badge Famous Question (source)
2013-03-19 02:56:24 -0600 received badge Self-Learner ( source )
2013-03-19 02:52:57 -0600 answered a question Is there a way to enable double opt-in for user account registration?

It appears that compatible functionality may have been added in Askbot 0.7.44. Per the Changelog:

0.7.44 (Nov 11, 2012)
• "Optional restriction to have confirmed email address to join forum (Evgeny)"

I'll need to test this feature to make sure it works as I expect, and confirm with someone who understands German better than I that this follows the rules... :-)

2013-03-19 02:34:01 -0600 received badge Organizer (source)
2013-03-19 02:20:01 -0600 commented question At syntax doesn't work when placed immediately after a parenthesis

@Evgeny -- Sweet! :-)

2013-03-19 02:03:26 -0600 asked a question At syntax doesn't work when placed immediately after a parenthesis

Specifically, this doesn't work:

(@qubit won't get a ping for this...)

Here's a more extensive test set of what does/doesn't work regarding @-syntax linking. As of 2013-03-19:

This set matches/links:

This set does not match or link:

  • (@qubit jumped over the lazy dog)
  • [@qubit jumped over the lazy dog]
  • {@qubit jumped over the lazy dog}
  • |@qubit jumped over the lazy dog|
  • --@qubit wished he had a real em dash, instead of just pretending with two hyphens
  • @qubit)
  • @qubit/@qubit
2013-03-19 01:59:30 -0600 commented answer How to mention a user

Using (@qubit) syntax immediately after parentheses didn't work in 0.7.43....let's see if it works now :-)

2013-03-19 01:50:43 -0600 commented answer Why do Comments have a different syntax than Answers?

Fair enough -- there are a few things like headings that users won't need in the comments, however the bulk of the formatting would be nice to have available in comments. It could also be nice to have a live preview of the comment formatting, just like we have for Answers.

2013-03-19 01:43:39 -0600 commented question Request: Link to full markdown documentation

I've had multiple users ask for more complete documentation, with an emphasis on legal markup.

2013-03-19 01:42:40 -0600 commented question which static file will be sent when there is same name files in different skins?

Dupe of:

(This one is newer, but has cleaner formatting and a non-anonymous user :-)

2013-03-16 12:30:21 -0600 asked a question Is there a way to enable double opt-in for user account registration?

Specifically, is there a way to set up registration so that users have to respond to an email from the site before their account becomes active?

Apparently this is a requirement for websites hosted in Germany.


2013-02-26 15:05:18 -0600 asked a question Why do Comments have a different syntax than Answers?

Comments seem to use slightly different syntax than Answers. This can be quite limiting, especially when one wants to quote an Answer in a comment, for example:

> they use a special comment for the cases where the language cannot be guessed <!-- lang: lang-name-->

Or if one wants to strike-through something:

<del>Something that I later realized was false</del> and something
that was certainly still true.

It seems like it would be simplest to have the same markup available in both types of post. That way users wouldn't have to remember two different sets of acceptable markup.

2013-02-26 14:56:06 -0600 commented answer Expand syntax highlighting support to allow named language?

> they use a special comment for the cases where the language cannot be guessed &lt;!-- lang: lang-name--&gt;

How would a user specify a particular language? Hopefully the markup would be something simple, like the syntax used by GitHub above.

2013-02-22 16:04:33 -0600 received badge Teacher ( source )
2013-02-22 16:04:33 -0600 received badge Necromancer ( source )
2013-02-22 16:03:47 -0600 answered a question is there a reason my profile page shows a maximum of 100 answers?

I'm running into this limitation on my Ask site as well.

Would it be possible to add a widget to allow users to page through 100 Answers at a time? Something like the widget used to page through Questions would work quite well:

« previous 1 2 3 4 5 ... 49 next page »

2013-02-19 18:32:17 -0600 received badge Scholar ( source )
2013-02-19 18:17:26 -0600 asked a question Make a clearer separation between karma and badges in the header?

(similar to

In the header of the page, there's no separator or other delineation between the karma value and the label for the badges:

qubit ✉ (karma: 21 badges: ● 3)

One of the users of our Ask site got confused and thought that he had karma # of badges :-) A quick fix would be adding a comma or semicolon, or maybe parens:

qubit ✉ (karma: 21, badges: ● 3)
qubit ✉ (karma: 21; badges: ● 3)
qubit ✉ (karma: 21) (badges: ● 3)

Alternatively, the Karma could be listed as a type of badge:

qubit ✉ (badges: ● 3 ĸ 21)

Edit: or even simpler:

qubit ✉ (● 3 ĸ 21)
2013-02-19 17:56:23 -0600 asked a question Expand syntax highlighting support to allow named language?

Askbot includes support for syntax highlighting using google-code-prettify (GCP), but doesn't offer an option to specify a particular language.

As a result, this bash code formats nicely:

echo "Foo bar"

But this BASIC code has some problems:

Sub FooBar
  Dim CountInteger As Integer  'For counting a thing
  Dim OtherInteger As Integer
  CountInteger = Blah / 2
  REM Do some stuff here 
  OtherInteger = 5
End Sub

There is already a mechanism within GCP to specify a language:

"You can specify a language by specifying the
language extension along with the prettyprint
class like so:

<pre class="prettyprint lang-html">

Here's the markdown-ish syntax GitHub uses to indicate language-specific syntax-highlighting:

ask = "bot"
puts "#{ask}: loopbackoffice"

This sounds like a relatively straight-forward improvement.

2013-01-31 14:29:34 -0600 received badge Supporter (source)
2013-01-29 18:20:05 -0600 commented question Is it possible to moderate user-content based on karma or other factors?

Sorry if I'm not being clear enough here. I don't want to set karma levels for a group (I'm not even sure what that would mean). I'm just interested in some finer-grained controls for which content should go through the moderation queue.

Perhaps I will try to hack some of the features in and submit a patch. That might make my intentions more clear :-)

2013-01-29 17:23:38 -0600 received badge Editor (source)
2013-01-29 17:23:38 -0600 edited question Is it possible to moderate user-content based on karma or other factors?

Is it/would it be possible to moderate user content based on a user's karma or other factors (such as age of user account, etc..) ?

As a short-term solution, would it be possible to tweak the Content Moderation code in an install so that a particular user group avoids moderation?

Edit: To be more clear, I would like to be able to enable the 'Content Moderation' flag, but only have it apply to a certain subgroup of users such as:

  • All users with karma < MIN_KARMA_TO_SKIP_MODERATION
  • All users who are not in a group flagged to SKIP_MODERATION
  • All users whose account is younger than MIN_AGE_TO_SKIP_MODERATION

I think that some of this mechanism could live in models/

def needs_moderation(self):
    """``True`` if post needs moderation"""
    if askbot_settings.ENABLE_CONTENT_MODERATION:
        #todo: needs a lot of details
            return False
        # Pseudocode here...
        if user.karma >= MIN_KARMA_TO_SKIP_MODERATION ||
           user.group_has_flag_enabled(SKIP_MODERATION) ||
           user.age >= MIN_AGE_TO_SKIP_MODERATION
            return False
2013-01-29 16:18:48 -0600 commented answer Is it possible to moderate user-content based on karma or other factors?

Ah, okay, thanks for the clarification! It may be that the version of the askbot software I'm testing doesn't have the fine-grained controls for moderation to which you're referring. In which version of Askbot were those introduced?