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Bill's profile - activity

2013-02-28 14:41:29 -0600 received badge Taxonomist
2012-12-10 10:45:43 -0600 received badge Enlightened ( source )
2012-12-10 10:45:38 -0600 received badge Good Answer ( source )
2011-06-18 17:28:03 -0600 received badge Nice Answer ( source )
2011-01-20 17:21:48 -0600 received badge Teacher ( source )
2011-01-20 17:21:48 -0600 received badge Necromancer ( source )
2011-01-20 14:01:38 -0600 answered a question What's the compelling reasons to use Askbot over its competitors?

Askbot versus OSQA

  • Askbot's code seems to be much more stable, well-written, and easy to understand than OSQA.
  • OSQA seems to have a lot of old code laying around that seemingly does nothing or has just been forgotten about.
  • The development on OSQA has been significantly reduced -- I haven't seen any changes made since April, probably due to my next point...
  • The team working on OSQA is now working on a new product called "Qato". It doesn't have a website yet, but it's supposedly everything OSQA is and a lot more, but you have to pay for it.
2011-01-20 13:50:02 -0600 commented answer Problem with setting the request encoding?
Thanks Evgeny!
2011-01-20 13:47:49 -0600 received badge Scholar ( source )
2011-01-20 13:47:49 -0600 marked best answer Problem with setting the request encoding?

Bill, you are right, the request parameters should not be modified by the code. The form data encoding should be set in the form tag instead or handled automatically.

I will update this by tomorrow in a new minor release. Thanks.

2011-01-20 12:05:22 -0600 received badge Student (source)
2011-01-20 12:02:57 -0600 received badge Editor (source)
2011-01-20 12:01:54 -0600 asked a question Problem with setting the request encoding?

I setup Askbot and it was working fine for about a day, but then today I was having issues logging in. After checking the logs it was clear that for some reason the LoginForm wasn't getting the POST data. Some debugging showed that in askbot/deps/django_authopenid/ on line 271 in the signin function/view the problem:

request.encoding = 'UTF-8'

Simply commenting that line out seemed to fix the problem and I'm now able to login, but any clue why this was happening? Also, what's the benefit of setting the encoding here?