Sindbad's profile - activity
2018-05-21 19:12:49 -0600 | received badge | Popular Question (source) |
2016-08-11 05:19:18 -0600 | received badge | Notable Question (source) |
2016-08-11 05:19:18 -0600 | received badge | Popular Question (source) |
2015-09-21 06:23:54 -0600 | received badge | Famous Question (source) |
2015-05-02 19:40:09 -0600 | received badge | Famous Question (source) |
2015-05-02 16:52:18 -0600 | commented answer | Can integrate Askbot with exist wordpress and use same wp users ? i mean my own WordPress .org user and this user didn't have WordPress Account on !
2015-04-07 11:38:59 -0600 | asked a question | Can integrate Askbot with exist wordpress and use same wp users ? Can i integrate Askbot with exist WordPress and use same WP users ? How can i do that on django or askbot ? should i make an python script to check WP users when new user want to make signup on askbot every time to know is registered user or not and if he registered user how can i update askbot users and add him with same password and email. any help i will appreciated , thanx to all |
2015-03-18 20:33:35 -0600 | received badge | Enthusiast |
2015-03-02 14:31:49 -0600 | commented answer | Spambot registrered 1000 users - command to delete last 1000 users? No. To do it just once you would simply write the delete statement for the table you want to cascade. DELETE FROM some_child_table WHERE some_fk_field IN (SELECT some_id FROM some_Table); DELETE FROM some_table; |
2015-03-01 20:19:01 -0600 | answered a question | How to fix "SystemExit" error in the startup_procedures? add this command on your and |
2015-02-26 22:41:57 -0600 | received badge | Famous Question (source) |
2015-02-24 13:15:57 -0600 | received badge | Teacher ( source ) |
2015-02-24 10:35:19 -0600 | answered a question | Spambot registrered 1000 users - command to delete last 1000 users? what type of database you use ??? |
2015-02-20 14:40:07 -0600 | asked a question | Sign_out button disappear !!! Hello all , |
2015-02-20 13:29:32 -0600 | received badge | Scholar ( source ) |
2015-02-20 13:29:23 -0600 | answered a question | Login/Signup to Post Button Give ERROR Thank You ,
2015-02-20 04:21:45 -0600 | received badge | Supporter ( source ) |
2015-02-18 16:51:23 -0600 | received badge | Student (source) |
2015-02-18 16:07:29 -0600 | asked a question | Login/Signup to Post Button Give ERROR Hello all , i use : [windows 7 - python 2.7.9 - virtualenv - askbot 0.7.49 - django cms - PostgreSQL] I merged askbot with django cms as reusable application so i configure one database PostgreSQL ، my site is run will when i have user logged in , and give error for anonymous users when they try to ask question they must click on Login/Signup to Post Button to submit the post, and they will be redirected to the login/signup page but it gives that error on runtime any help i will appreciated |
2015-02-18 14:54:23 -0600 | commented question | Any tutorial on askbot? I hope help you :
2015-02-18 14:40:37 -0600 | answered a question | Why is the database search so slow? YAAAH , database will be very slow if you use sqlite3 database and database file size will be large، Askbot works fine with PostgreSQL database because Postgres is extremely capable of handling many tasks very efficiently. Support for concurrency is achieved without read locks thanks to the implementation of Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC), which also ensures the ACID compliance. |
2015-02-18 14:31:51 -0600 | received badge | Editor ( source ) |
2015-02-18 14:30:34 -0600 | answered a question | Default Admin Login? Oky mybe you can use this : "python createsuperuser" :D |
2015-02-18 14:26:52 -0600 | received badge | Autobiographer |
2015-02-18 14:24:01 -0600 | asked a question | sad asdsad as das dasd ad |