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Brett's profile - activity

2019-07-03 04:34:38 -0600 received badge Popular Question (source)
2013-02-07 09:15:54 -0600 received badge Notable Question (source)
2012-08-23 13:04:43 -0600 received badge Famous Question (source)
2012-08-13 20:16:26 -0600 received badge Taxonomist
2012-08-06 11:06:10 -0600 received badge Famous Question (source)
2012-07-07 11:48:30 -0600 received badge Good Question (source)
2012-06-24 01:14:08 -0600 received badge Famous Question (source)
2012-03-30 21:30:10 -0600 received badge Nice Question (source)
2012-03-15 16:40:02 -0600 received badge Nice Question (source)
2012-03-07 20:56:52 -0600 received badge Popular Question (source)
2012-01-18 08:02:35 -0600 commented answer What kind of integration with wordpress is possible?

I mean have one login for both wordpress and askbot. I thought that would require using the same database. Sorry, I'm not clear on what authentication means vs. login, etc. Can you please clarify? Thank.

2012-01-18 07:56:02 -0600 marked best answer Is what I see today the default skin / look of askbot ?

It is default, out of the box.

We still need to comb our templates to make them suitable for further customization, so we are currently recommending to limit customizations to CSS, without touching the templates much.

2012-01-18 07:56:02 -0600 received badge Scholar ( source )
2012-01-18 07:38:39 -0600 asked a question Is what I see today the default skin / look of askbot ?

I'm wondering if this nice modern look that we see today for Askbot is now the DEFAULT skin 'out of the box'?

Or does it require customization to get this look/appearance?

2012-01-18 07:33:21 -0600 commented answer I'm looking at using askbot to develop a Q&A site for health issues, looking for advise

How did this work out, @leesmee?

2012-01-18 07:29:21 -0600 commented answer What kind of integration with wordpress is possible?

By that you mean askbot could use wordpress' user database? How is this done?

2012-01-18 05:11:59 -0600 asked a question What kind of integration with wordpress is possible?

I read somewhere that ASKBOT can integrate somehow with WordPress (cant recall where or find it on search here now). Can I read more about this somewhere?

Would this be suitable for 'non-geek' users (for say a home repairs q & a site, for example).

Also, is it possible to display things like a traditional forum, as an alternative format? I mean for those users who are used to forums like vbulletin, etc.

2011-09-07 17:09:04 -0600 commented answer What programmer tools (editors) are used/suggested to get started w/python, etc?

@Fitoria Thanks for the Geany recommendation. This looks like a very good, simple editor w/IDE features. Might even motivate me setup virtualbox on my pc to run linux, in order to explore it more. I'm told there is a windows version, also, and I might check that out first. @Evgeny I understand what you're saying about editors; I did all of my coding (back when I was programming in college) in simple editors. I think there is a need for both simple editors and IDE's. After years of being away from coding, I miss it and am looking forward to getting going with it again!

2011-09-07 16:05:36 -0600 commented answer What programmer tools (editors) are used/suggested to get started w/python, etc?

Thanks @Fitoria for all the great info! I should note that I'm not afraid of an IDE; I like the features of an IDE which make editing code much easier. I tried notepad++ and like it but I do like features such as auto indenting, etc., which simple editors dont seem to have (from what I understand). @Evgeny I think I prefer an IDE which includes pylint be default/extension. There are so many editor/IDE choices, it is a bit overwhelming for a newbie ;) I'm leaning towards pyscripter: -What do you think of this one?

2011-09-07 15:24:00 -0600 received badge Supporter ( source )
2011-09-07 01:21:47 -0600 asked a question What programmer tools (editors) are used/suggested to get started w/python, etc?

As a beginner, I'd like to learn a little bit about the code, etc., for askbot.

I was a basic, pascal, & shell programmer many, MANY years ago ;) I might like to learn and contribute to askbot if I can get myself up to speed with the language and tools.

I will be working on a Windows Vista laptop, and Win 7 desktop, if that matters.

Any reason I can't set up linux, python, etc., on my win box and test out the script before launching a site? What package(s) would you use to do this in the most expeditious manner?

Actually, I think maybe I'd bet better off with a host and simply doing the editing, etc., from my pc than trying to 'do it all' from home. A small hosting fee is no problem. I'd like recommendation for a USA host that'll let me start cheap (VPS) and has capabilities to scale me up to ded machine when needed.

Any advice is appreciated!


2011-09-06 21:15:26 -0600 commented answer How about a 'new feature' announcements tag?

If you posted askbot update info to an 'Askbot Updated' Q&A thread here on askbot, users could 'follow' it with the option to get email updates. Why would this not work well? I'm still pretty new to Q&A's, so maybe I'm not understanding something. I'd like to stay updated easily.

2011-09-06 20:09:32 -0600 commented answer Update on Hosting - where's best

It's been a year since the last post. Are there any new suggestions for hosting (which make installation easy for complete web django/py beginners)? Cloud based hosting update (does rackspace now support django, etc)?

2011-09-06 19:48:28 -0600 commented answer Askbot feature list

Would love to see this updated and expanded. Any plans for that?

2011-09-06 19:43:39 -0600 asked a question How about a 'new feature' announcements tag?

When a new feature is offered, how about announcing it here on askbot assigning it a 'New Feature' tag?

This way, we could subscribe to this tag and keep current on the great new features of askbot ;)

Forgive me if you already have something along these lines and I did not see it yet.

2011-09-06 14:51:11 -0600 received badge Nice Question (source)
2011-09-06 13:09:13 -0600 received badge Student (source)
2011-09-06 12:58:20 -0600 received badge Editor (source)
2011-09-06 12:50:48 -0600 asked a question Can askbot be used as a 'customer support center' & 'knowledgebase' ?

How suitable is askbot to serve as a 'customer support forum'/site for a company? How about also as a knowledge-base?

I am new to all of this and think this could function as a dual purpose - or am I missing something?