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Erick Almeida's profile - karma

Erick Almeida's karma change log

10 0 How do I disable cache? (2012-08-09 14:53:13 -0600)

10 0 How do I disable cache? (2012-08-09 09:41:23 -0600)

10 0 Error when mark tag as Ignored/Interesting (2012-07-19 09:03:11 -0600)

10 0 Error enabling TinyMCE (2012-07-16 21:11:00 -0600)

10 0 Is it possible to use Sphinx with Postgres? (2012-07-12 17:01:24 -0600)

2 0 Is it possible to use Sphinx with Postgres? (2012-07-12 13:42:55 -0600)

10 0 Is it possible to use Sphinx with Postgres? (2012-07-12 13:38:05 -0600)

10 0 Askbot + Nginx + URL Accents = Problem (2012-07-10 22:14:04 -0600)