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I contemplated with my team on this feature.

My view is —

The current version of askbot is cool! i.e Don't sort your site front-page by comments.

  • The front-page should be un-biased, as its a QnA site, so comments should be of little importance to any QnA site growth, otherwise it kills the basic essence of the site.

  • Hitting the front-page should purely be function of — value generated, so sort by trending activity — think upvotes and update by answers.

Note: Askbot is not a commenting site or any typical forum like phpBB, so giving comments a push to the site front-page, will kill the value of QnA sites.

  • So, the Homepage should NOT be sorted by recent-most comments at any cost. May be, lets have another filter, sort by recent-most comments?

    • The problem with sort by comment activity is — such filtering by recent-most comments will bring older stale topics to the front-page again. Frontpage should be like News and updates. (Think HN)

Also in Askbot, if you have engaged in a thread, you would have followed that question to get notified! A user can also do @user to bring another user's attention.

Comments are largely single-dimensional — are targeted one-on-one or sometimes for self-clarifications(ie single dimensional). So getting the whole-community-attention for some random comment update is not Cool! Comments should NOT be broadcasted.

  • Personally, I don't like to bring posts on front-page, unless it's of value — it has good answers.

Comments are more like discussions, not multi-dimensional and kind of opinionated. So it becomes discussion site.

But, Answers = generates value!

And by just dropping a comment to hit front-page, will push anyone's question easily to hit front-page. Think old stale questions and non-trending topics hitting Front-page often.

One Possible Solution: Maybe we can have another filter like — sort by>> recent-comments.

But this filter should NOT be the default filter for sorting questions in the homepage.


PS: I'm not a big fan of comments for Askbot kind of QnA sites. :)

I contemplated with my team on this feature.

My view is —

The current version of askbot is cool! i.e Don't sort your site front-page Not sorting front-page by comments.

  • The front-page should be un-biased, as its a QnA site, so comments should be of little importance to any QnA site growth, otherwise it kills the basic essence of the site.

  • Hitting the front-page should purely be function of — value generated, so sort by trending activity — think upvotes and update by answers.

Note: Askbot is not a commenting site or any typical forum like phpBB, so giving comments a push to the site front-page, will kill the value of QnA sites.

  • So, the Homepage should NOT be sorted by recent-most comments at any cost. May be, lets have another filter, sort by recent-most comments?

    • The problem with sort by comment activity is — such filtering by recent-most comments will bring older stale topics to the front-page again. Frontpage should be like News and updates. (Think HN)

Also in Askbot, if you have engaged in a thread, you would have followed that question to get notified! A user can also do @user to bring another user's attention.

Comments are largely single-dimensional — are targeted one-on-one or sometimes for self-clarifications(ie single dimensional). So getting the whole-community-attention for some random comment update is not Cool! Comments should NOT be broadcasted.

  • Personally, I don't like to bring posts on front-page, unless it's of value — it has good answers.

Comments are more like discussions, not multi-dimensional and kind of opinionated. So it becomes discussion site.

But, Answers = generates value!

And by just dropping a comment to hit front-page, will push anyone's question easily to hit front-page. Think old stale questions and non-trending topics hitting Front-page often.

One Possible Solution: Maybe we can have another filter like — sort by>> recent-comments.

But this filter should NOT be the default filter for sorting questions in the homepage.


PS: I'm not a big fan of comments for Askbot kind of QnA sites. :)

I contemplated with my team on this feature.

My view is —

The current version of askbot is cool! i.e Not sorting front-page by comments.

  • The front-page should be un-biased, as its a QnA site, so comments should be of little importance to any QnA site growth, otherwise it kills the basic essence of the site.

  • Hitting the front-page should purely be function of — value generated, so sort by trending activity — think upvotes and update by answers.

Note: Askbot is not a commenting site or any typical forum like phpBB, so giving comments a push to the site front-page, will kill the value of QnA sites.

  • So, the Homepage should NOT be sorted by recent-most comments at any cost. May be, lets have another filter, sort by recent-most comments?

    • The problem with sort by comment activity is — such filtering by recent-most comments will bring older stale topics to the front-page again. Frontpage should be like News and updates. (Think HN)

Also in Askbot, if you have engaged in a thread, you would have followed that question to get notified! question! A user can also do @user to bring another user's attention.

Comments are largely single-dimensional — are targeted one-on-one or sometimes for self-clarifications(ie single dimensional). So getting the whole-community-attention for some random comment update is not Cool! Comments should NOT be broadcasted.attention.

  • Personally, I don't like to bring posts on front-page, unless it's of value — it has good answers.

Comments are more like discussions, not multi-dimensional and kind of opinionated. So it becomes discussion site.

But, Answers = generates value!

And by just dropping a comment to hit front-page, will push anyone's question easily to hit front-page. Think old stale questions and non-trending topics hitting Front-page often.

One Possible Solution: Maybe we can have another filter like — sort by>> recent-comments.

But this filter should NOT be the default filter for sorting questions in the homepage.


PS: I'm not a big fan of comments for Askbot kind of QnA sites. :)

I contemplated with my team on this feature.

My view is —

The current version of askbot is cool! i.e Not sorting front-page by comments.

  • The front-page should be un-biased, as its a QnA site, so comments should be of little importance to any QnA site growth, otherwise it kills the basic essence of the site.

  • Hitting the front-page should purely be function of — value generated, so sort by trending activity — think upvotes and update by answers.

Note: Askbot is not a commenting site or any typical forum like phpBB, so giving comments a push to the site front-page, will kill the value of QnA sites.

  • So, the Homepage should NOT be sorted by recent-most comments at any cost. May be, lets have another filter, sort by recent-most comments?

    • The problem with sort by comment activity is — such filtering by recent-most comments will bring older stale topics to the front-page again. Frontpage should be like News and updates. (Think HN)

Also in Askbot, if you have engaged in a thread, you would have followed that question! A user can also do @user to bring user's attention.

  • Personally, I don't like to bring posts on front-page, unless it's of value — it has good answers.

Comments are more like discussions, not multi-dimensional and kind of opinionated. So it becomes discussion site.

But, Answers = generates value!

And by just dropping a comment to hit front-page, will push anyone's question easily to hit front-page. Think old stale questions and non-trending topics hitting Front-page often.

One Possible Solution: Maybe we can have another filter like — sort by>> recent-comments.

But this filter should NOT be the default filter for sorting questions in the homepage.


PS: I'm not a big fan of comments for Askbot kind of QnA sites. :)

I contemplated with my team on this feature.

My view is —

The current version of askbot is cool! i.e Not sorting front-page by comments.

  • The front-page should be un-biased, as its a QnA site, so comments should be of little importance to any QnA site growth, otherwise it kills the basic essence of the site.

  • Hitting the front-page should purely be function of — value generated, so sort by trending activity — think upvotes and update by answers.

Note: Askbot is not a commenting site or any typical forum like phpBB, so giving comments a push to the site front-page, will kill the value of QnA sites.

  • So, the Homepage should NOT be sorted by recent-most comments at any cost. May be, lets have another filter, sort by recent-most comments?

    • The problem with sort by comment activity is — such filtering by recent-most comments will bring older stale topics to the front-page again. Frontpage should be like News and updates. (Think HN)

Also in Askbot, if you have engaged in a thread, you would have followed that question! A user can also do @user to bring user's attention.

  • Personally, I don't like to bring posts on front-page, unless it's of value — it has good answers.

Comments are more like discussions, not multi-dimensional and kind of opinionated. So it becomes discussion site.

But, Answers = generates value!

And So, by just dropping a comment to hit front-page, will push anyone's question easily to hit front-page. Think old stale questions and non-trending topics hitting Front-page often.

One Possible Solution: Maybe we can have another filter like — sort by>> recent-comments.

But this filter should NOT be the default filter for sorting questions in the homepage.


I contemplated with my team on this feature.

My view is —

The current version of askbot is cool! i.e Not sorting front-page by comments.

  • The front-page should be un-biased, as its a QnA site, so comments should be of little importance to any QnA site growth, otherwise it kills the basic essence of the site.

  • Hitting the front-page should purely be function of — value generated, so sort by trending activity — think upvotes and update by answers.

Note: Askbot is not a commenting site or any typical forum like phpBB, so giving comments a push to the site front-page, will kill the value of QnA sites.

  • So, the Homepage should NOT be sorted by recent-most comments at any cost. May be, lets have another filter, sort by recent-most comments?

    • The problem with sort by comment activity is such filtering by recent-most comments will bring older stale topics to the front-page again. Frontpage should be like News and updates. (Think HN)

Also in Askbot, if you have engaged in a thread, you would have followed that question! A user can also do @user to bring user's attention.

  • Personally, I don't like to bring posts on front-page, unless it's of value — it has good answers.

Comments are more like discussions, not multi-dimensional and kind of opinionated. So it becomes discussion site.

But, Answers = generates value!

So, by just dropping a comment to hit front-page, will push anyone's question easily to hit front-page. Think old stale questions and non-trending topics hitting Front-page often.

One Possible Solution: Maybe we can have another filter — sort by>> recent-comments.

But this filter should NOT be the default filter for sorting questions in the homepage.


I contemplated with my team on this feature.

My view is —

The current version of askbot is cool! i.e Not sorting front-page by comments.

  • The front-page should be un-biased, as its a QnA site, so comments should be of little importance to any QnA site growth, otherwise it kills the basic essence of the site.

  • Hitting the front-page should purely be function of — value generated, so sort by trending activity — think upvotes and update by answers.

Note: Askbot is not a commenting site or any typical forum like phpBB, so giving comments a push to the site front-page, will kill the value of QnA sites.

  • So, the Homepage should NOT be sorted by recent-most comments at any cost. May be, lets have another filter, sort by recent-most comments?

    • The problem with — sort by comment activity is such filtering by recent-most comments will bring older topics to the front-page again.

Also in Askbot, if you have engaged in a thread, you would have followed that question! A user can also do @user to bring user's attention.

  • Personally, I don't like to bring posts on front-page, unless it's of value — it has good answers.

Comments are more like discussions, not multi-dimensional and kind of opinionated. So it becomes discussion site.

But, No Answers = generates No value!

So, by just dropping a comment to hit front-page, will push anyone's question easily to hit front-page. Think old stale questions and non-trending topics hitting Front-page often.Front-page.

One Possible Solution: Maybe we can have another filter — sort by>> recent-comments.

But this filter should NOT be the default filter for sorting questions in the homepage.
