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Not supported, instead please use database dump and restore facilities (e.g pg_dump)

However, Django has commands dumpdata and loaddata - these should work across different database backends.

If you are looking to convert a large MySQL database to PostgresQL - have a look at available tools:

Also, please have a look at this documentation page

Not supported, instead please use database dump and restore facilities (e.g pg_dump)

However, Django has commands dumpdata and loaddata - these should work across different database backends.

If you are looking to convert a large MySQL database to PostgresQL - have a look at available tools:

Also, please have a look at I've done this documentation page and I think I've had success with this one (not 100% sure though):

Not supported, instead please use database dump and restore facilities (e.g pg_dump)

However, Django has commands dumpdata and loaddata - these should work across different database backends.

If you are looking to convert a large MySQL database to PostgresQL - have a look at available tools:

I've done this before and I think I've had success with this one (not 100% sure though):