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Sure, some people will like reputation, others will like karma. If your post gets many upvotes we'll change "karma" to "reputation". So whoever likes word "reputation" better - please vote for Pekka's question!

This post explains how to change messages in the main localization file (there is also a small javascript language file forum/skins/default/media/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js). There are nine messages containing word karma in the locale file and one more in .js file.

Sure, some people will like reputation, others will like karma. If your post gets a many upvotes we'll change thange "karma" to "reputation". So whoever likes word "reputation" better - please vote for Pekka's question!

This post explains how to change messages in the main localization file (there is also a small javascript language file forum/skins/default/media/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js). There are nine messages containing word karma in the locale file and one more in .js file.

Sure, some people will like reputation, others will like karma. If your post gets a many upvotes we'll thange "karma" to "reputation". So whoever likes word "reputation" better - please vote for Pekka's question!

This post explains how to change messages in the main localization file (there is also a small javascript language file forum/skins/default/media/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js). messages. There are nine messages containing word karma in the locale file and maybe a one more in .jsforum/skins/default/media/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js file..

Sure, some people will like reputation, others will like karma. If your post gets a many upvotes we'll thange "karma" to "reputation". So whoever likes word "reputation" better - please vote for Pekka's question!

Maybe This this post explains how to change messages. will help you. There are nine messages containing word karma in the locale file and maybe a one more in forum/skins/default/media/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js.