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My guess is that askbot will work with django 1.2 with no changes, someone tried it already (I have not yet). The reasons askbot is sticking to 1.1 for the time being are that many people still use apps requiring 1.1 and 1.2 is somewhat slower.

I've just looked up this snippet that claims enabling email backend to use sendmail. You won't need to modify any of the askbot code to make use of it or an equivalent custom email backend.

My guess is that askbot will work with django 1.2 with no changes, someone tried it already (I have not yet). The reasons askbot is sticking to 1.1 for the time being are that many people still use apps requiring 1.1 and 1.2 is somewhat slower.

I've just looked up this snippet that claims enabling email backend to use sendmail. You won't need to modify any of the askbot code to make use of it or an equivalent custom email backend.backend.

My guess is that askbot will work with django 1.2 with no changes, someone tried it already (I have not yet). The reasons askbot is sticking to 1.1 for the time being are that many people still use apps requiring 1.1 and 1.2 is somewhat slower.

I've just looked up this snippet that claims enabling email backend to use sendmail. You won't need to modify any of the askbot code to make use of it or an equivalent custom email