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Thanks! In general, feature requests are not acted upon quickly - it is just due to the time limitations - unless the requester contributes code or funding (both are welcome)

At the moment there are several features that are funded and are on the queue ("follow user" and "ask by email").

You are the first one to propose the use of reputation system via an API. Interesting idea. An idea of API in general was brought up many times - that means that it will happen.

Regarding the single sign on - at the moment the login system is integrated into askbot. It will be relatively simple to use it to sign in to another service at the same domain (even if the subdomain is different - by setting the required browser cookies for all the services - with some minimal coding.

It is possible to "rip out" the login system as well.

Thanks! In general, general feature requests are not acted upon quickly - it is just due to the time limitations - unless the requester contributes code or funding (both are welcome)

At the moment there are several features that are funded and are on the queue ("follow user" and "ask by email").

You are the first one to propose the use of reputation system via an API. Interesting idea. An idea of API in general was brought up many times - that means that it will happen.

Regarding the single sign on - at the moment the login system is integrated into askbot. It will be relatively simple to use it to sign in to another service at the same domain (even if the subdomain is different - by setting the required browser cookies for all the services - with some minimal coding.

It is possible to "rip out" the login system as well.