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As of version 0.6.86, it is possible, but still InnoDB does not support text search properly.

To completely fix this issue, we'll need to support some external search library, such as solr, sphinx, etc.

At the moment, with askbot the best options are either transition your other app to PostgresQL or with a quick fix on our part - accept loss of text search support - until we work with a specialized search library. (e.g. Django Haystack)

As of version 0.6.86, it is possible, At the moment - no. There could be a quick fix but still you will lose full text search capability - text search will only match titles.

InnoDB does not support text search properly.

To completely fix this issue, we'll need to support some external search library, such as solr, sphinx, etc.

At the moment, with askbot the best your options are either transition your other app to PostgresQL or with a quick fix on our part - accept loss of text search support - until we work with a specialized search library. (e.g. Django Haystack)