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Reusable app is the goal with an option to use askbot as a whole package.

Changed June 5 2011 Starting version 0.6.93 (available on github and pypi) askbot fully supports external authentication/user registration apps, all documentation on the subject will be here:

The remaining gotcha at the moment is that auth.models.User model, it is monkeypatched with add_to_class (in models/ calls and migrations. As long as your other apps do not use the same extra fields, there should'n be problems. It is not very nice, but I have not yet heard from anyone that it prevented askbot from working with other apps.

Probably the right way is to have a separate model for askbot user profile data, something like AskbotUser linked with the auth.models.User.

Directory patches contains monkeypatches that "upgrade" some parts of Django to the level of 1.3. Askbot will (at least was tested at one point not too long ago) work with Django 1.1 to 1.3 without changes. For example - csrf protection will work on 1.1 even though it is not present in django 1.1.

Jinja2 templates are used for speed and more flexibility in programming.

Also I plan to use Google Closure for javascript, jquery will be gradually phased out (by gradually I mean - very gently - without breaking anything or shocking anyone. :)

I'll come back to your question tomorrow.

Reusable app is the goal with an option to use askbot as a whole package.

Changed June 5 2011 Starting version 0.6.93 (available on github and pypi) askbot fully supports external authentication/user registration apps, all will post documentation on the subject will be here:

The remaining gotcha at the moment is that auth.models.User model, it is monkeypatched with add_to_class (in models/ calls and migrations. As long as your other apps do not use the same extra fields, there should'n be problems. It is not very nice, but I have not yet heard from anyone that it prevented askbot from working with other apps.

Probably the right way is to have a separate model for askbot user profile data, something like AskbotUser linked with the auth.models.User.

Directory patches contains monkeypatches that "upgrade" some parts of Django to the level of 1.3. Askbot will (at least was tested at one point not too long ago) work with Django 1.1 to 1.3 without changes. For example - csrf protection will work on 1.1 even though it is not present in django 1.1.

Jinja2 templates are used for speed and more flexibility in programming.

Also I plan to use Google Closure for javascript, jquery will be gradually phased out (by gradually I mean - very gently - without breaking anything or shocking anyone. :)

I'll come back to your question tomorrow.

Reusable app is the goal with an option to use askbot as a whole package.

Changed June 5 2011 Starting version 0.6.93 (available on github and pypi) askbot fully supports external authentication/user registration apps, will post documentation shortly.

The remaining gotcha at the moment is that auth.models.User model, it is monkeypatched with add_to_class (in models/ calls and migrations. As long as your other apps do not use the same extra fields, there should'n be problems. It is not very nice, but I have not yet heard from anyone that it prevented askbot from working with other apps.

Probably the right way is to have a separate model for askbot user profile data, something like AskbotUser linked with the auth.models.User.

Directory patches contains monkeypatches that "upgrade" some parts of Django to the level of 1.3. Askbot will (at least was tested at one point not too long ago) work with Django 1.1 to 1.3 without changes. For example - csrf protection will work on 1.1 even though it is not present in django 1.1.

Jinja2 templates are used for speed and more flexibility in programming.

Also I plan to use Google Closure for javascript, jquery will be gradually phased out (by gradually I mean - very gently - without breaking anything or shocking anyone. :)

I'll come back to your question tomorrow.

Long question, will try to answer in detail tomorrow.

Reusable app is the goal with an option to use askbot as a whole package.

Changed June 5 2011 Starting version 0.6.93 askbot fully supports external authentication/user registration apps, will post documentation shortly.package, it is already distributed as a separate app, but there are some gotchas.

The remaining gotcha at the moment is that auth.models.User model, it is monkeypatched with add_to_class (in models/ calls and migrations. As long as your other apps do not use the same extra fields, there should'n be problems. It is not very nice, but I have not yet heard from anyone that it prevented askbot from working with other apps.

Probably the right way is to have a separate model for askbot user profile data, something like AskbotUser linked with the auth.models.User.

Also user authentication depends on an internal app, which should not be too hard to remove, and the plan is to remove it, and offer it as an option.

Directory patches contains monkeypatches that "upgrade" some parts of Django to the level of 1.3. Askbot will (at least was tested at one point not too long ago) work with Django 1.1 to 1.3 without changes. For example - csrf protection will work on 1.1 even though it is not present in django 1.1.

Jinja2 templates are used for speed and more flexibility in programming.

Also I plan to use Google Closure for javascript, jquery will be gradually phased out (by gradually I mean - very gently - without breaking anything or shocking anyone. :)

I'll come back to your question tomorrow.

Long question, will try to answer in detail tomorrow.

Reusable app is the goal with an option to use askbot as a whole package, it is already distributed as a separate app, but there are some gotchas.

The auth.models.User model, it is monkeypatched with add_to_class (in models/ calls and migrations. As long as your other apps do not use the same extra fields, there should'n be problems. It is not very nice, but I have not yet heard from anyone that it prevented askbot from working with other apps.

Probably the right way is to have a separate model for askbot user profile data, something like AskbotUser linked with the auth.models.User.

Also user authentication depends on an internal app, which should not be too hard to remove, and the plan is to remove it, and offer it as an option.

Directory patches contains monkeypatches that "upgrade" some parts of Django to the level of 1.3. Askbot will (at least was tested at one point not too long ago) work with Django 1.1 to 1.3 without changes. For example - csrf protection will work on 1.1 even though it is not present in django 1.1.

Jinja2 templates are used for speed and more flexibility in programming.

Also I plan to use Google Closure for javascript, jquery will be gradually phased out (by gradually I mean - very gently - without breaking anything or shocking anyone. :)

I'll come back to your question tomorrow.

Long question, will try to answer in detail tomorrow.

Reusable app is the goal with an option to use askbot as a whole package, it is already distributed as a separate app, but there are Directory patches contains monkeypatches that "upgrade" some gotchas.

The parts of Django to the level of 1.3. Askbot will (at least was tested at one point not too long ago) work with Django 1.1 to 1.3 without changes.

As for the auth.models.User model, it is monkeypatched with add_to_class (in models/ calls and migrations. As long as your other apps do not use the same extra fields, there should'n be problems. It is not very nice, but I have not yet heard from anyone that it prevented askbot from working with other apps.

Probably the right way is to have a separate model for askbot user profile data, something like AskbotUser linked with the auth.models.User.

Also user authentication depends on an internal app, which should not be too hard to remove, and the plan is to remove it, and offer it as an option.

Directory patches contains monkeypatches that "upgrade" some parts of Django to the level of 1.3. Askbot will (at least was tested at one point not too long ago) work with Django 1.1 to 1.3 without changes. For example - csrf protection will work on 1.1 even though it is not present in django 1.1.

Jinja2 templates are used for speed and more flexibility in programming.

I'll come back to your question tomorrow.