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There is an editor button for formatting code that has "1 0 1" etc. on it. Just select the area you want to format the code and hit the button.

It is unfortunately tough to deeply modify the previewer, because the Markdown to HTML conversion is done in two places: by javascript in the browser for the preview and on the server - for the actual output. Any change must be done in two places and both components are third party libraries.

Here is an example - copy-pasted from somewhere else, looks fine in both previewer and the static display (each line prefixed by 4 or more spaces):

<!-- Edited by XMLSpy® --> 
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body> 

and here is an inline version <say>hello</say> - needs to be surrounded by the backticks.

There is an editor button for formatting code that has "1 0 1" etc. on it. Just select the area you want to format the code and hit the button.

It is unfortunately tough to deeply modify the previewer, because the Markdown to HTML conversion is done in two places: by javascript in the browser for the preview and on the server - for the actual output. Any change must be done in two places and both components are third party libraries.

Here is an example - copy-pasted from somewhere else, looks fine in both previewer and the static display (each line prefixed by 4 or more spaces):

<!-- Edited by XMLSpy® --> 
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body> 

and here is an inline version <say>hello</say> - needs to be surrounded by the backticks.