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Looks like cache invalidation is not working properly for you.

I am guessing that this might be because your cache is not set up correctly and you are using a multiprocess setup for the application.

In the newer version of askbot some chunks of HTML and data are stored in cache and actively invalidated when certain things happen to questions/answers etc. Therefore with the default per-process cache of type "locmem" page renderings by the sibling process instances may not be the same.

Try using redis cache or memcached.

Looks like cache invalidation is not working properly for you.

I am guessing that this might be because your cache is not set up correctly and you are using a multiprocess setup for the application.

In the newer version of askbot some chunks of HTML and data are stored in cache and actively invalidated when certain things happen to questions/answers etc. Therefore with the default per-process cache of type "locmem" page renderings by the sibling process instances may not be the same.

Try using redis cache or memcached.