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+1 This would be an excellent feature to keep experts on a site; not everyone gets a thrill out of answering questions, but high-karma users would be able to use this feature to network and gain [additional] value.

I would suggest a few requirements, though:

  • Users should have the ability to specify that they only want users with a minimum amount of karma to be able to message them (e.g., experts might only want to network with other experts).
  • Users should have the ability to add usernames to a block list ("blacklist") if they do not (or no longer) want to receive messages from those other users.
    • Alternatively, users should have the option to switch to "whitelist" mode where only the usernames they list will be permitted to message them.
  • A minimal amount of karma should be required before a user can send any private messages (to prevent spam and other forms of abuse).

Having a public wall would be interesting, although the profile screen is already so busy, I'm not sure where it would go!

+1 This would be an excellent feature to keep experts on a site; not everyone gets a thrill out of answering questions, but high-karma users would be able to use this feature to network and gain [additional] value.

I would suggest a few requirements, though:

  • Users should have the ability to specify that they only want users with a minimum amount of karma to be able to message them (e.g., experts might only want to network with other experts).
  • Users should have the ability to add usernames to a block list ("blacklist") if they do not (or no longer) want to receive messages from those other users.
    • Alternatively, users should have the option to switch to "whitelist" mode where only the usernames they list will be permitted to message them.
  • A minimal amount of karma should be required before a user can send any private messages (to prevent spam and other forms of abuse).

Having a public wall would be interesting, although the profile screen is already so busy, I'm not sure where it would go!

+1 This would be an excellent feature to keep experts on a site; not everyone gets a thrill out of answering questions, but high-karma users would be able to use this feature to network and gain [additional] value.

I would suggest a few couple of requirements, though:

  • Users should have the ability to specify that they only want users with a minimum amount of karma to be able to message them (e.g., experts might only want to network with other experts).
  • Users should have the ability to add usernames to a block list if they do not (or no longer) want to receive messages from those other users.
  • A minimal amount of karma should be required before a user can send any private messages (to prevent spam and other forms of abuse).

Having a public wall would be interesting, although the profile screen is already so busy, I'm not sure where it would go!