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If we want to keep all the content of a user but not the user himself (which is a very good choice since his content might be valueable), I think an easy way is to just go to admin panel and change/delete few things about him, but not the actual user:

  1. Change his personal stuff, mainly username and email, so that he is not recognisable and does not receive any notifications. This can be done in
  2. Delete his login methons, so that he cannot login with this account anymore. This can be done in - delete everything that refers to this user.
  3. If your site supports uploaded avatars, delete also his avatar (if his has any). You can do this from here
  4. Go to his profile and change his subscriptions to no mail, so that askbot will never again try to send an email to him.
  5. (if there is anything I forget, please add here).

This way you have pseudo-deleted him but the record in database is still there, all his content is there and he is not related to all these any more.