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We are raising $$ to implement this feature. The goal is $1500. Once we have the fund we'll spend 7-10 days creating a quality migration script.

Deadline: July 13 2012.

To date we have $100 from:

  • Roger Shih

If we do not meet the goal, the funds will go back to the contributors. To contribute cash please paypal it to or contact me at that address.

Thank you all!

We are raising $$ to implement this feature. The goal is $1500. Once we have the fund we'll spend 7-10 days creating a quality migration script.

Deadline: July 13 2012.

To date we have $100 from:

  • Roger Shih

If we do not meet the goal, the funds will go back to the contributors. To contribute cash please paypal it to or contact me at that address.contributors.

Thank you all!