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This is a point of some contention on the StackExchange network.

On SE sites, you can always comment on your own questions and answers, even if you have only 1 reputation.

To comment on other posts, you need 50 reputation.

It's a tricky issue to solve. If you make it so that anybody can post a comment, you risk dramatically lowering your signal-to-noise ratio and burdening your mod team with more work. If you make the required amount of reputation too high, though, people will be tempted to post answers that should be comments.

This is a point of some contention on the StackExchange network.

On SE sites, you can always comment on your own questions and answers, even if you have only 1 reputation.

To comment on other posts, you need 50 reputation.reputation.

It's a tricky issue to solve. If you make it so that anybody can post a comment, you risk dramatically lowering your signal-to-noise ratio and burdening your mod team with more work. If you make the required amount of reputation too high, though, people will be tempted to post answers that should be comments.