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How to make askbot git repository and private customizations repository coexist?

I cloned the askbot git repo.

Now, askbot doc says I need to create mydjangosite(

What's the relationship between askbot directory I cloned and mydjangosite directory?

I want to create a private git repository for this project so that several team members can work on it.
I need to create a git repo for askbot , mydjangosite or both?

How to make difference between askbot git repository directory and private customizations repository coexist?the directory I create before askbot-setup?

I cloned the askbot git repo.

Now, askbot doc says I need to create mydjangosite(

What's the relationship between askbot directory I cloned and mydjangosite directory?

I want to create a private git repository for this project so that several team members can work on it.
I need to create a git repo for askbot , mydjangosite or both?