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tutorial for jinja2 integration issue?

I'd like to add few more pages(in django template) to askbot.
(extends two_column_body.html but use django template syntax)

Or someone might want to add askbot to his/her already operational site as an add-on.

I encountered jinja2 for the first time and I find it very hard to integrate jinja2 powered templates with other regular django-templates.

I've seen some homeworks..

I wonder if you have a plan to make it easy to integrate askbot with other parts of a site.
by providing a tutorial or
by providing regular-django template for base.html or
by .. who knows what else..

Not allowing staticfiles to work with askbot makes it harder..

tutorial for jinja2 integration issue?

I'd like to add few more pages(in django template) to askbot.
(extends two_column_body.html but use django template syntax)

Or someone might want to add askbot to his/her already operational site as an add-on.

I encountered jinja2 for the first time and I find it very hard to integrate jinja2 powered templates with other regular django-templates.

I've seen some homeworks..your answers

I wonder if you have a plan to make it easy to integrate askbot with other parts of a site.
by providing a tutorial or
by providing regular-django template for base.html or
by .. who knows what else..

Not allowing staticfiles to work with askbot makes it harder..