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How to resolve upgrade issues with 0.7.49?

Upgrade from 0.7.48 to 0.7.49 did not go smoothly.

The database migrations scripts do not appear to take account of existing robots tables nor celery* tables. These bugged out many times until all those existing tables were removed manually for the script to recreate.

Unless ASKBOT_CSS_DEVEL = False it fails!

Also needs ALLOWED_HOSTS = ( '', )

BeautifulSoup needs to be installed.

The robots rules need to be recreated to allow crawling, by default this is blocked.

But after upgrade it throws an error about jquery not existing, the dates display as 2013-09-15 16:57:28 -0500 instead of a calculated result, the editor toolbar (markdown) also does not appear and the site seems to operate in a non javascript mode, aside from mathjax which operates correctly.

The is clearly some javascript fault killing things but I can't work it out.

How to resolve upgrade issues with 0.7.49?

Upgrade from 0.7.48 to 0.7.49 did not go smoothly.

The database migrations scripts do not appear to take account of existing robots tables nor celery* tables. These bugged out many times until all those existing tables were removed manually for the script to recreate.

Unless ASKBOT_CSS_DEVEL = False it fails!

Also needs ALLOWED_HOSTS = ( '', )

BeautifulSoup needs neesds to be installed.

The robots rules need to be recreated to allow crawling, by default this is blocked.

But after upgrade it throws an error about jquery not existing, the dates display as 2013-09-15 16:57:28 -0500 instead of a calculated result, the editor toolbar (markdown) also does not appear and the site seems to operate in a non javascript mode, aside from mathjax which operates correctly.

The is clearly some javascript fault killing things but I can't work it out.