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Howto migrate from openid to LDAP?

I started out using openid with Google oauth. One problem I have found is that is very dependent on the address used to reach the site and this will not fly with my current implementation. I was thinking of moving over to using LDAP instead. I got the authentication working but when I login it wants me to create a new user and then it complains that the current email and screen name is taken. How can I add an LDAP auth to exiting accounts? I already have ~30 users using the site and I don't want therm all to create new accounts. If there is some manual way to add it to their accounts I could however easily do this myself manually.


How do I migrate my current accounts from OpenID (Google) to LDAP authentication?

Howto migrate from openid to LDAP?

I started out using openid with Google oauth. One problem I have found is that is very dependent on the address used to reach the site and this will not fly with my current implementation. I was thinking of moving over to using LDAP instead. I got the authentication working but when I login it wants me to create a new user and then it complains that the current email and screen name is taken. How can I add an LDAP auth to exiting accounts? I already have ~30 users using the site and I don't want therm all to create new accounts. If there is some manual way to add it to their accounts I could however easily do this myself manually.


How do I migrate my current accounts from OpenID (Google) to LDAP authentication?