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Use "x min ago" instead of "x mins ago"

Request for improvement: use "x min ago" instead of "x mins ago" to display time since last activity on a question.

Explanation (from

Using Abbreviations or Symbols

In the International System of Units (SI), the units do not have "abbreviations". They have symbols. The unit symbols do not follow the grammatical rules for abbreviations, because they follow the mathematical rules for symbols instead. These rules include the following.

  • A symbol is never followed by a period (unless, of course, it happens to fall at the end of a sentence).

  • The letter "s" is never added to a symbol to indicate a plural.

    • In other words, 2 minutes is written 2 min, not 2 min. or 2 mins.

Use "x min ago" instead of "x mins ago"

Request for improvement: use "x min ago" instead of "x mins ago" to display time since last activity on a question.

Explanation (from

Using Abbreviations or Symbols

In the International System of Units (SI), the units do not have "abbreviations". They have symbols. The unit symbols do not follow the grammatical rules for abbreviations, because they follow the mathematical rules for symbols instead. These rules include the following.

  • A symbol is never followed by a period (unless, of course, it happens to fall at the end of a sentence).

  • The letter "s" is never added to a symbol to indicate a plural.

    • In other words, 2 minutes is written 2 min, not 2 min. or 2 mins.