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Comments markup processing

When a comment is submitted, it is not initially parsed for markdown. You have to reload the page to see the actual processed markdown. For example, commenting **text**, initially it shows the comment as **text** instead of text. When you reload or revisit the page, the text it bold.

This bugs happens on the askfedora site - here the markdown in the comments is not parsed at all - is it bug in askbot or should I contact them?

Comments markup processing

When a comment is submitted, it is not initially parsed for markdown. You have to reload the page to see the actual processed markdown. For example, commenting **text**, initially it shows the comment as **text** instead of text. When you reload or revisit the page, the text it bold.

This bugs happens on the askfedora site - here the markdown in the comments is not parsed at all - is it bug in askbot or should I contact them?

Comments markup processing

When a comment is submitted, it is not initially parsed for markdown. You have to reload the page to see the actual processed markdown. For example, commenting **text**, initially it shows the comment as **text** instead of text. When you reload or revisit the page, the text it bold.

bold. This bugs happens on the askfedora site - here the markdown in the comments is not parsed at all - is it bug in askbot or should I contact them?

Comments markup processing

When a comment is submitted, it is not initially parsed for markdown. You have to reload the page to see the actual processed markdown. For example, commenting **text**, initially it shows the comment as **text** instead of text. When you reload or revisit the page, the text it bold. This bugs happens on the askfedora site - here the markdown in the comments is not parsed at all - is it bug in askbot or should I contact them?bold.