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Askbot installation error Column 'session_key' cannot be null"


I am doing a new deployment of Askbot by cloning AskBot Gitgub (ASKBOT/askbot-devel.git) and following installation instructions at

I tried two installs one with mysql and one with db.sqlite3. "Allow asking without registration" is set to false. Both times, I started server using runserver and tried to post a question without logging in. Both times I get the error session_key' cannot be null. It did not take me to signup page. Upon investigation, it seems that for table anonymous_question, session key is not set in the code and hence this validation is failing. How do I fix this problem?

Error : With MySql: (1048,Column 'session_key' cannot be null") With sqlite3: NOT NULL constraint failed: askbot_anonymousquestion.session_key

How do I fix this problem?

Askbot installation error Column 'session_key' cannot be null"


I am doing a new deployment of Askbot by cloning AskBot Gitgub (ASKBOT/askbot-devel.git) and following installation instructions at

I tried two installs one with mysql and one with db.sqlite3. "Allow asking without registration" is set to false. Both times, I started server using runserver and tried to post a question without logging in. Both times I get the error session_key' cannot be null. It did not take me to signup page. Upon investigation, it seems that for table anonymous_question, session key is not set in the code and hence this validation is failing. How do I fix this problem?

Error : With MySql: (1048,Column 'session_key' cannot be null") With sqlite3: NOT NULL constraint failed: askbot_anonymousquestion.session_key

How do I fix this problem?