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Editing about, FAQ etc.. from the configuration doesn't effect content

In settings there is an option to set content of about page, policy and other website pages. However it doesn't work. settings option: Messages and pages - about, privacy policy, etc. it doesn't have any effect on page content, it's always empty. the field is empty in the setting after updating.

A bug is present about this issue. Unable to set About and Faq pages using the settings. github #858 github com/ASKBOT/askbot-devel/issues/858

I see the issue even on Libreoffice Askbot setup ask.libreoffice[.]org/en/about/

I've tested with version 0.11

Is there an easy work around other than putting text manually in 'content': "about"

Line 80 of askbot/views/

def about(request, template='static_page.html'):
    title = _('About %(site)s') % {'site': askbot_settings.APP_SHORT_NAME}
    data = {
        'title': title,
        'page_class': 'meta',
        'content': askbot_settings.FORUM_ABOUT
    return render(request, template, data)

Maybe someone can create a workaround to use static html file as done with the faq page.