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Group Badge Notifications

Low priority feature request:

When you get multiple notifications at once, they get stacked above each other:

alt text

it would be nice to have them grouped like SO does:

You have received the "Editor" badge and 4 other badges.

Group Badge Notifications

Low priority feature request:

When you get multiple notifications at once, they get stacked above each other:

alt text

it would be nice to have them grouped like SO does:

You have received the "Editor" badge and 4 other badges.

Group Badge Notifications

Low priority feature request:

When you get multiple notifications at once, they get stacked above each other:

alt text

it would be nice to have them grouped like SO does:

You have received the "Editor" badge and 4 other badges.

Group Badge NotificationsMultiple notifications

Low priority feature request:

When you get multiple notifications at once, they get stacked above each other:

alt text

it would be nice to have them grouped like SO does:

You have received the "Editor" badge and 4 other badges.