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email for comments: link missing a href [fixed]

I just received an email about the first comment posted to this question at ask sage:

Dear niles,

ccanonc left a new comment for question "Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled"


The link to "new comment" is just as I've posted it: <a>new comment</a>, with no href. Looking back, all of the "new comment" email has this problem.

UPDATE: Here's the original html source of the email; it looks like there is some href, but my email reader (Gmail) doesn't know what to do with it.

Message-ID: <20100917202852.11142.10862@localhost>


<p>Dear niles,</p>

<p>ccanonc left a <a href=3D"%
e-isomrphic-subgraphs-of-graph-vertex-labeled#comment-539">new comment</a>
for question "Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled"</p>





EDIT 2: the <a> is still being interpreted by askbot, even inside <pre> </pre> . . . forwarding to Evgeny . . .

email for comments: link missing a href [fixed]href

I just received an email about the first comment posted to this question at ask sage:

Dear niles,

ccanonc left a new comment for question "Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled"


The link to "new comment" is just as I've posted it: <a>new comment</a>, with no href. Looking back, all of the "new comment" email has this problem.

UPDATE: Here's the original html source of the email; it looks like there is some href, but my email reader (Gmail) doesn't know what to do with it.

Message-ID: <20100917202852.11142.10862@localhost>


<p>Dear niles,</p>

<p>ccanonc left a <a href=3D"%
e-isomrphic-subgraphs-of-graph-vertex-labeled#comment-539">new comment</a>
for question "Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled"</p>





EDIT 2: the <a> is still being interpreted by askbot, even inside <pre> </pre> . . . forwarding to Evgeny . . .

email for comments: link missing a href

I just received an email about the first comment posted to this question at ask sage:

Dear niles,

ccanonc left a new comment for question "Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled"


The link to "new comment" is just as I've posted it: <a>new comment</a>, with no href. Looking back, all of the "new comment" email has this problem.

UPDATE: Here's the original html source of the email; it looks like there is some href, but my email reader (Gmail) doesn't know what to do with it.

Message-ID: <20100917202852.11142.10862@localhost>


<p>Dear niles,</p>


Dear niles,


ccanonc left a <a href=3D"% e-isomrphic-subgraphs-of-graph-vertex-labeled#comment-539">new comment</a> new comment for question "Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled"</p> = = = = labeled"

= = = =

EDIT 2: the <a> is still being interpreted by askbot, even inside <pre> </pre> . . . forwarding to Evgeny . . .

email for comments: link missing a href

I just received an email about the first comment posted to this question at ask sage:

Dear niles,

ccanonc left a new comment for question "Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled"


The link to "new comment" is just as I've posted it: <a>new comment</a>, with no href. Looking back, all of the "new comment" email has this problem.

UPDATE: Here's the original html source of the email; it looks like there is some href, but my email reader (Gmail) doesn't know what to do with it.

Message-ID: <20100917202852.11142.10862@localhost>


Dear niles,


ccanonc <p>Dear niles,</p> = <p>ccanonc left a new comment <a href=3D"% e-isomrphic-subgraphs-of-graph-vertex-labeled#comment-539">new comment</a> for question "Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled"

= = = =
labeled"</p> = = = =

EDIT 2: the <a> is still being interpreted by askbot, even inside <pre> </pre> . . . forwarding to Evgeny . . .

email for comments: link missing a href

I just received an email about the first comment posted to this question at ask sage:

Dear niles,

ccanonc left a new comment for question "Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled"


The link to "new comment" is just as I've posted it: <a>new comment</a>, with no href. Looking back, all of the "new comment" email has this problem.

UPDATE: Here's the original html source of the email; it looks like there is some href, but my email reader (Gmail) doesn't know what to do with it.

Message-ID: <20100917202852.11142.10862@localhost> = <p>Dear niles,</p> = <p>ccanonc <20100917202852.11142.10862@localhost>


Dear niles,


ccanonc left a <a href=3D"% e-isomrphic-subgraphs-of-graph-vertex-labeled#comment-539">new comment</a> new comment for question "Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled"</p> labeled"




= = = =

email for comments: link missing a href

I just received an email about the first comment posted to this question at ask sage:

Dear niles,

ccanonc left a new comment for question "Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled"


The link to "new comment" is just as I've posted it: <a>new comment</a>, with no href. Looking back, all of the "new comment" email has this problem.

UPDATE: Here's the original html source of the email; it looks like there is some href, but my email reader (Gmail) doesn't know what to do with it.

Message-ID: <20100917202852.11142.10862@localhost>


<20100917202852.11142.10862@localhost> =

Dear niles,



ccanonc left a new comment for question "Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled"





= = = =

email for comments: link missing a href

I just received an email about the first comment posted to this question at ask sage:

Dear niles,

ccanonc left a new comment for question "Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled"


The link to "new comment" is just as I've posted it: <a>new comment</a>, with no href. Looking back, all of the "new comment" email has this problem.

UPDATE: Here's the original html source of the email; it looks like there is some href, but my email reader (Gmail) doesn't know what to do with it.

Message-ID: <20100917202852.11142.10862@localhost>


Dear niles,


ccanonc left a new comment for question "Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled"

= = = =

email for comments: link missing a href

I just received an email about the first comment posted to this question at ask sage:

Dear niles,

ccanonc left a new comment for question "Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled"


The link to "new comment" is just as I've posted it: <a>new comment</a>, with no href. Looking back, all of the "new comment" email has this problem.