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what is the status of API?

To integrate well into other components of a infrastructure (in my case, various Turbogear, Drupal web apps etc) as well as for developing mobile apps, a good RESTful API would be nice to have. I understand if this isn't a top priority. Something to think about

what is the status of API?

To integrate well into other components of a infrastructure (in my case, various Turbogear, Drupal Drupa web apps etc) as well as for developing mobile apps, a good RESTful API would be nice to have. I understand if this isn't a top priority. Something to think about

what is the status of API?

To integrate well into other components of a infrastructure (in my case, various Turbogear, Drupa Turbogear web apps etc) as well as for developing mobile apps, a good RESTful API would be nice to have. I understand if this isn't a top priority. Something to think about