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How to improve the speed of askbot?

I installed askbot and deployed under nginx, using the instructions in the wiki. (Aside: Is the wiki maintained? I didn't find a link from the main askbot site, only from google?)

I have gzip compression enabled with nginx.

This is a fresh VPS with little running on it and 0 load.

However, load time is quite slow, even after I load the home page once or twice to cache it. (Is there caching?)

According to pingdom, it takes a full 1.84 seconds to load the front page and all assets.

The django request takes 250 ms. This is the connect time, not the DNS lookup or send time.

Also, I see that loading many separate javascript files takes a lot of time, which could be reduced by using a Django app for compressing and minifying the javascript into one asset.

What else could I be doing wrong? Why is a fresh askbot on a fresh VPS taking 1.84 seconds to load?

How to improve the speed of askbot?

I installed askbot and deployed under nginx, using the instructions in the wiki. (Aside: Is the wiki maintained? I didn't find a link from the main askbot site, only from google?)

I have gzip compression enabled with nginx.

This is a fresh VPS with little running on it and 0 load.

However, load time is quite slow, even after I load the home page once or twice to cache it. (Is there caching?)

According to pingdom, it takes a full 1.84 seconds to load the front page and all assets.

The django request takes 250 ms. This is the connect time, not the DNS lookup or send

Also, I see that loading many separate javascript files takes a lot of time, which could be reduced by using a Django app for compressing and minifying the javascript into one asset.

What else could I be doing wrong? Why is a fresh askbot on a fresh VPS taking 1.84 seconds to load?

How to improve the speed of askbot?

I installed askbot and deployed under nginx, using the instructions in the wiki. (Aside: Is the wiki maintained? I didn't find a link from the main askbot site, only from google?)

I have gzip compression enabled with nginx.

This is a fresh VPS with little running on it and 0 load.

However, load time is quite slow, even after I load the home page once or twice to cache it. (Is there caching?)

According to pingdom, it takes a full 1.84 seconds to load the front page and all assets.

The django request takes 250 ms.

Also, I see that loading many separate javascript files takes a lot of time, which could be reduced by using a Django app for compressing and minifying the javascript into one asset.

What else could I be doing wrong? Why is a fresh askbot on a fresh VPS taking 1.84 seconds to load?